2012 Calaveras Wrestling Boosters Program

This year we are using our boosters program to help pay for some of the costs we will incur this season. Some of those costs include:

                       1. Tournament entry fees (approx. $2500).
                       2. Hotels for overnight trips to Reno, Modesto, Sacramento, the Section, the Masters and the State Tournament.
                       3. A new digital scale.

We are asking alumni, family and friends to support Calaveras High School Wrestling.  If you are willing to sponsor the CHS Wrestling Team this year, please fill out the form on the back of this page and return it to us.



Our tax ID # is 810572049.



  1. RED AND GOLD LEVEL…$25-$99 – You will be recognized on The Calaveras Wrestling Website and receive a choice of a Calaveras Wrestling Booster Tee Shirt or a pair of Calaveras Wrestling Shorts.
  2. REDSKIN LEVEL…$100- You will be recognized on The Calaveras Wrestling Website and receive both a Calaveras Wrestling Booster Tee Shirt and a pair of Calaveras Wrestling Shorts.
  3. CORPORATE LEVEL …$250 – You will be recognized as a Corporate Level Sponsor on The Calaveras Wrestling Website, receive a Calaveras Wrestling Booster Tee Shirt and a pair of Calaveras Wrestling Shorts.


Additional tee shirts may be purchased for $15 each. Additional shorts may be purchased for $20 each. Be sure to indicate sizes.

Sponsors will be recognized on The Calaveras Wrestling Website at CalaverasHighSchool.com 




NAME: ________________________________________________________________


BUSINESS NAME: ______________________________________________________


ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________


CITY AND ZIP: _________________________________________________________


PHONE: ______________________________


EMAIL: _____________________________________


AMOUNT: $______________                     Tee Shirt Size _______          Short size _______


REDSKIN AND CORPORATE SPONSORS: If you would rather receive another tee shirt in place of the wrestling shorts, let me know the sizes.

Be sure to include a check made out to CALAVERAS WRESTLING BOOSTERS.







_______ I am unable to donate this year, but please keep me on the alumni mailing list.


_______ I am unable to donate this year. Please remove me from the mailing list.


Mail to:


            Vince Bicocca - Calaveras Wrestling Boosters

            c/o Calaveras HS

            PO Box 607

            San Andreas, CA 95249


Thank you for your support!

Vince Bicocca, Mark Bowe, Doug Clark, Ryan Upchurch, Thomas Fragoza, Daniel Rios



vbicocca@calaveras.k12.ca.us                     dclark@calaveras.k12.ca.us

mbowe@calaveras.k12.ca.us                        rupchurch@calaveras.k12.ca.us